Op-20-G conference on patents, July 1945

This document was found at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland: Record Group 457, Box 808, item 2343.


11 July 1945


Subj: Conference on Patents – Subject Matter of.

1. On 9 June 1945 a conference was held at the Patent Office. The following people were present:

  • Lt. Cdr. Rose
  • Cdr. Mallory, BuShips (Code 339), Chairman of Committee on Security Review of Patents
  • Mr. Wright, Office of Research and Inventions, and
  • Mr. Jacobs, (Col. retired) in charge of War Division of Patent Office.

The purpose for holding this conference was to determine the wishes of CNO and BuShips regarding the secrecy orders on certain patent applications. It was brought forth by Lt. Cdr. Rose and Lt. Blakely that OP-20-G had no authority to remove secrecy orders on these patents. In view of this it was decided that Lt. Cdr. Kelly would contact Capt. Engstrom as liaison between BuShips and Op-20-G, regarding the matter and determine the wishes of 20-G unofficially on certain patent applications. No patent applications were examined during the conference.



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    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex