NCR News December 1944

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Beckoning with moonlight and clear skies,dec44_p45 the crisp October nights are perfect for the inevitable pastimes of those who are young and in love–hay rides. Such an evening was enjoyed by some of us here in Building No. 26 as we donned plaid shirts and jeans, grabbed our blankets and put in a rugged evening in the open on the hay wagon and later around a cheery, crackling campfire into which wieners on the end of fresh cut sticks were thrust, smoking and sizzling and emitting an odor that sharpened already good appetites. Bob Shade and Betty indulged in a little horseplay as Joanna Heaton ran around filling cups with cider waiting on her date, Ed De Laet, with whom she is seen most of the time, lately. Also there were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kern, Doris Schmick and her husband, Jonesy and his little WAVE wife, Grace Williams and Frank Bucher, and your correspondent and her fella, Jess Jennings of Model Making. A wonderful time was had by all-a time we won’t forget very soon.

Express Sympathy

Our sincerest sympathies are extended to Elmer Brown whose father passed away recently, and to Clarence Keeny on the death of his mother.

There’ll be quite a few good-time stories to tell the last of the month for it seems many of our number are jouneying to Indianapolis to see the Sonja Henie Revue. Among those going are Joanna Heaton, Ed De Taet, Lena Thompson, Grace Williams, Alberta Lewis, Virginia Darrnell, Helen Diener, Emily Swartzel and Doris Goodwin.

We heard that inseparable pair, Jane Agnor and Eleanor Villars talking about the two Lieutenants they bagged one Friday evening and thought we ought to investigate. How about that? And they say this same pair gets along pretty well at the YMCA dances other Friday nights. We think maybe we should take some lessons.

Bob Henderson recently visited his home in the Blue Grass country and reports all is well in that district.

Billie Keck celebrates her first wedding anniversary on December 24, 1944.

Elda Mallory is back with us again after his recent appendectomy and Norma Jean Clancy has returend from Carburetor.

Extreme happiness came into the hearts of Janis Bowers and Helen Dessinger as their loved ones came home from the battlefronts. Janis’ husband had been stationed in Iceland for over a year and she plans to go with him as long as he is in the U.S. Also home on a welcome leave was Helen’s son, Edward, who had been in the New Hebrides Islands.

One man who admits he’s wrong — Harold Brown.


Congratulations are in order for Charlie Allen who was married November 6 and who, after visiting his parent’s home in Kentucky, will continue on to Oregon where he plans to make his future home.

We, here in Receiving Inspection, bade a fond farewell to Ed Frederick, who put up with our shenanigans for over a year and who was one swell boss. He’s back in Building 10 now with the good job he deserves, but this is just to let him know we miss him over here.

Ann Hopkins thoroughly enjoyed her weekend trip to her home in Kentucky. When asked how she spent her time at hoem she said she just about made herself sick from eating, and her throat sore from talking.

The cast of the recent Electrical Research Revue gathered themselves together and trotted down to Colisimo’s one Tuesday for spaghetti and to talk over their big show. An evening of riotous fun resulted and thyough we went home with spaghetti all over our faces and practically coming out of our ears, we all enjoyed the get-together with the relief of a big job done successfully.

Best wishes to Virginia Fox on her engagement, and congratulations to Raleigh Adkins on his marriage.

To Mary Etta Thalman, who is leaving to join her husband in Maryland, we extend our heartiest good wishes. We’ll miss you, Mary, but we’re happy for you.

Helen Arthur enjoyed a visit with her husband and is now back to work again.

Good luck to Irene Curts who left the Company and plans to start her own grocery store.

(Continued on Inside Back Cover)


Continued from Page Fifteen

Landed Marine

Beatrice Swartzbough very proudly told me of the marriage of her daughter, Anne, who was formerly employed in the Relief Association, Navy Day, October 27. The lucky man is also very well known around here, he’s Jack Armstrong, one of the Marines now stationed in Building No. 26.

Reporting that the good old Texas air felt pretty “doggone” good, Delia Knight came back from her two weeks’ visit to her parents’ home in the Lone Star State with tales of her good times and nothing more disastrous than a mighty sore back which came from misjudging a temperamental horse. Her younger brother, home from overseas on furlough, was the force which prompted the visit and we think she did the right thing for, just between you and me, what soldier could help but have his morale lifted by a visit from the irresistible “Punky?”

Did you hear about the time Billie Keck had to ask the guards to open both gates so she could driver her car in?

NCR Wedding

Congratulations to Bob Shade, a sailor here in Building No. 26, who married Betty Schiebrel, of Standards Department, Building No. 10, Saturday November 18. All their friends here wish them lots of luck.

Here’s one for Ripley! Believe it or not, Bill Grundisch sprained his neck while buying an overcoat! The story goes that the clerk jerked on the coat too hard while fitting it, causing the damage resulting in a trip to the hospital for Bill.

Congratulations to Cliff Myers, whose wife recently presented him with a fine baby boy.

We’re announcing Virginia Bow‘s engagement to sailor Frederick Scruby and at the same time we’re wondering what Gilley and others are going to do now.

Isn’t he cute, girls? He’s Johnny Serena, our newest most curly-headed messenger boy.

Well, folks, we’ll bring this to a close with our heartiest wishes that your Christmas will have been a cheery one and your New Year filled with happiness and as a special request, we’re printing a list of what some of your want for Christmas.

List for Santa Claus

  • Lilia Lou Larvin — a five-gaited riding horse.
  • Harold Brown — a raincoat.
  • Helen Dessinger — a permanent furlough for her boys.
  • Irene Walker — a nice new car with two seats so she can squeeze in a few more people to go to lunch with here.
  • Helen Diener — a carton of cigarettes and a man. (Doesn’t she know there’s a shortage?)
  • Rowell Johnson — a little hammer and some nails.
  • Joanna Heaton — the power to make up her mind.
  • Doris Schmick — a rhinestone pin and earrings.
  • Charlie Heckerman — some aspirin tablets.
  • Emily Swartzell and Alberta Lewis — want their husbands home.
  • Lulu Betty — a quilted robe.


Al and Robert Heinrich

This month, we are proud to present Al Heinrich, job foreman on production, who willingly shares the spotlight with his son, Robert C. Heinrich of the U. S. Army, stationed at Ft. McClellan. Al has been with the Company since 1929 and Bob worked here in the Foundry a year before he entered the Service. Extremely proud of his 19-year-old soldier son, Al, as one of the friendlist personalieis of the building, is easy to know and nice towork with. He’s quiet and modest but he gets his job done well. He tells me he’s been interested in radio for quite a number of years, a background which has helped him in his work. You’ll want to know Al, and when you do you’re sure to learn to know Bob.

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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex