WAVES, p. 3

WAVES stationed at the USNCML 1942-1946, last names beginning K – O

This list is based on documents I have accumulated over the course of the last 15 years– ranging from 2 rosters handed out at 4th of July celebrations (one of which my parents had saved), various declassified documents from the National Archives and personel recollections donated by the veterans themselves. To date, I personally have not found or heard of an actual official roster that has surfaced since the story was declassified.–D. A.

Return to Personnel Index | A – E | F – JP – T | U – Z


Last Name First Name Rank Source Date Misc Info
Kading Margaret V. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 orders extended to 20 Dec ’43
Kamper Helen B. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 29-Apr-43
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Keifer Beulah T. S2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
Keller Marion E. Ensign, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 28-Jun 1943
Kelly Elizabeth C. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Kemper Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Kennedy Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Kenner Ella L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Kernes Leota L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 24 June 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Keyser Margaret L. Ensign USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 5-May 1943
Kildare Ruth M. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 29-Apr-43
Kirby Helen A. S1c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Kisling Violet I. 1944 Roster
Kline Ruth A. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Y2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Knight Della V. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Koch Ruth A. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 24-Jun 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Koonce Arizona B. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 29 Apr 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Kosley Agnes M. Sp (Q) (TE) 3c, USNR 1944 Roster
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Kostka Martis M. MM1c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
MM1c, V-6, USNR Nat’l Archives document 22 Nov 1944 “on board for duty under the complement
of the … DNC, Op-20-G”
Kullman Virginia M. S2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
NCR ID Badge 24 May 1944
Kurtz Vivian M. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Y3c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
NCR ID Badge 29-Apr-43
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Lafferty Jane E. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
14-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Lau Helen M. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 24-Jun 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Ledig Virginia L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Lee Eunice E. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Lee ? H. Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Liles Pauline S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Liljegreen Alice N. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Lillie Evelyn R. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Lindsey Velma L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
>NCR ID Badge 4-May 1943
Linville Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Little Jean E. Ensign, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 5-May 1943
Lofferty Jane E. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Lohse Al Vera Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Lovell Estelle L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 29 Apr 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Lubke Rosemarie A. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Lunfelt Virginia H. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 24-Jun 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Lyons Minnie S2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
Mace Loraine S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 29 Apr 1943
Y3c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
MacKenzie Barbara A. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to DC,4 Oct’43
Mackey Veronica D. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 24-Jun 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Maddux Alice V. S1c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 20 Apr 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Sp(Q)TE3c, V-10, USNR Nat’l Archives document 3 Jan 1945 assigned additional duty in Dayton
Magalski Olga H. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Maloney Mary A. S2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
Manley Margaret L. S2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
NCR ID Badge 24 May 1944
Marpert Lois C. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
>NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Martin Wilma A S1c, USNR Nat’l Archives document 28 June 1946 transfer Dayton to St. Paul
Mason Edna L. S2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
Mathews Amanda A. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Mathis Agnes F. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Mattern Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Mayer Leonia A. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 29 Apr 1943
NCR ID Badge 29 Apr 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
McCabe Ruth M. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Y2c, YSNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
McCall Rita M. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
McCown Marjorie E. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 29-Apr 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
McGonigal Thelma M. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 4 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
McKain Julia A. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
McKenzie Shirley L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 20-Apr 1943
NCR ID Badge 20-Apr 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 orders extended to 10 Dec’43
McLeod Charlotte A. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
McMorrow Mary J. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15 May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
McNulty Dorothy I. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 4-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
McQuatters Laura S. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
McVay Sybil R. S2c, USNR 1944 Roster
Miles Joyce L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 4-May 1943
Miller Harriet E. S1c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 orders extended to 20 Dec ’43
Mims Ammie E. S2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
Ammie “Egeria” Y2c Nat’l Archives document 7 Feb 46
Y1c, USNR Nat’l Archives document 28 June 1946 transfer Dayton to St. Paul
Mitchell Delores B. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Mitschke Melva L. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Mos Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Moncrief Mary NCR ID Badge 14-May 1943
Money Marjorie M. PhM3c, USNR 1944 Roster
Montgomery Sara S. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Mooney Ethel NCR News</td> 1-Apr 1944
Moore Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Morley Mary E. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Morris Adeline E. S1c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 orders extended to 20 Dec ’43
Morrison Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Mullaney Edna J. S1c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Muller Verona G. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Munn Alma M. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 orders extended to 20 Dec ’43
Mutchie Ursula G. S1c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 orders extended to 20 Dec ’43
Nat’l Archives document 1 Oct 1945 retained in Dayton
Neidert Dorothy E. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 4-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Newing Helen J. S1c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Y3c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
NCR ID Badge
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
Nichols Dorothy G. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 22-May 1943
Nickel Evelyn L. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 4-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 orders extended to 20 Dec ’43
Nat’l Archives document 1 Oct 1945 retained in Dayton
Nat’l Archives document 15 Aug 1946
Nolan Frances E. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 20-Apr 1943
Noll Charlotte F. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 4-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Olson Ruth M. S2c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 15-May 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 returning to D.C. 4 Oct ’43
Osborne Mary I. Ensign, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
NCR ID Badge 28-Jun 1943
Owen Willie A. Y3c, USNR 1943 Roster 4-Jul 1943
Y2c, USNR 1944 Roster 4-Jul 1944
NCR ID Badge 20-Apr 1943
Nat’l Archives document 22 Sept 1943 transferred to 9th Naval District
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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex