NCR News April 1944



Hi, ya, folks! Stop and take a gander at a brand new column in this old magazine. Electrical Research, Bldg. 26, extends “greetings” to the NCR Factory News Readers. We are making our debut and from now on we expect each month to accupy a little space right here in front of everybody.

Firstly, it seems that several of us from Inspection Department saw the first light on a February morn, so a concentrated celebration was in order. Clara Troland, Elnora Corcoran, and “yours truly,” M. Maeder, were honored with a home-baked birthday cake and ice cream. Other February babies were Leonard Vest, Gail Gorham, Clifford Wiese, Clarence Peters, and Dorothy Ludwig. Electrical Research has its share of March babies, too, namely: Bill Miller, Llewellyn Wade, Bruce Cowden, Dorothy Wallering, Ruth Christman, Russell Wilson, David Deck, and Elizabeth Cotton. Many happy returns, kids!

We sincrely miss Mrs. Troland who handed in her resignation shortly after her birthday. She is now residing happily on the farm, her sole job being to keep her husband contented.

Best wishes accompany Thelma Lamantia who left the department to join her soldier husband in North Carolina, and Ruth Taylor who also left the Company.

Orchid to Kaye Weaver–said orchid being from a certain very cute little sailor stationed here in Bldg. 26.

We are glad to see Mary Stanley back on the job in tip-top shape after her recent illness.

Our January newlywed, Mrs. Mary Etta Thalman, is finally settled in her new home and apparently loving it. They say Leslie’s bought her a well-stocked little farm to take care of. Good luck, kids.

We wonder if Paul Hedges is a Co-op student?

Promoted to Job Foremen

Congratulations to Paul Schneider and Al Heinrich who were both promoted to job foreman.

Earl Rogge, a former employee of Inspection Department and now working in Inspection Investigation of Building No. 2, paid us a visit recently and showed pictures of his son, Jack, who was home on leave. We were all more than glad to see him again.

Helen Diemer and Lavina Russell will never forget their recent trip to New York. We enjoyed listening to the account of their trip to Radio City, the Waldorf-Astoria, and many other places. Glad you had such a wonderful time, girl.

It’s good to see Ethel Mooney bck in our midst and fully recovered from her recent illness.

We wish to extend our sincerest sympathies to Bea Watson on the death of her grandmother.

I’ve heard that Paul Schneider, Johnny Stutz, and Don Replogle are increasing their store of knowledge in the Industrial Psychology course at the Y.M.C.A.

We’ve uncovered the reason for the happy smile on Dotty Tomlin’s face. Could be that Air Cadet Jim is now stationed at a college in Springfield. How nice!

Our wandering inspector, Eleanor Villars, is back from a four-week trip to California were she went to visit her fiance, one Dick David of (continued on Page Forty-two)

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the A.T.C. We’re glad she had such a good time, but we’re also glad she decided to come back with us.

Stork Arrives

This is one month we are really in the limelight! Four baby boys have been added to the families of four employees of the department, namely: Henry Schroer, Ed Carey, Bob Gaebel, and Bruce Cowden. We wish to extend congratulations to teh new papas and thanks for the cigars and candy.

Elnora Jane Corcoran

Take one handful of Bob Hopes, one handful of Red Skeltons, and one handful of jitterbugs and mix well. Mold the mixture and set it out to dry and the finished product comes pretty close to the personality of our own “Corky.” This little bundle of vim, vigor and vitality is definitely the spark of Building 26. Cute as a button, nineteen years old, and never sad, she spends the larger part of her time in the Inspection Department of Electrical Research. And in her spare time you are pretty sure to find her at a skating rink. Triangle is her favorite haunt and she’s one of their favorite daughters, especially since she won third place in a recent “Boogie Bounce” contest. Take it from me, she’s so good at this hobby of hers that it’s almost a profession, though she’s far too modest to give your correspondent many details.

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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex