NCR News April 1945

Electrical Research


Gather ’round everybody, ’cause here comes this month’s apr45_p32 edition of “Gossip, Inc.,” or “what’s news about who.” Honestly, time goes so fast lately I just can’t keep track of mytself, let alone anyone else, so if the following effort seem feeble, just blame it on the old spring fever bug.

Newest figure to be welcomed into our ranks is Wilbur’s new secretary, blonde Marian Greene. Of course you know Wilbur, he’s that elongated hunk of humanity you see sitting at his desk every noon, munching a sandwich and reading the Morning Daily with both his feet propped up on a drawer as if he owned the whole office. He tells me that Virginia Bow left to become the bride of her sailor, Frederick Scruby, but I’m wondering if it wasn’t due somewhat to the fact that working for Wilbur wore her out.

Our sincerest sympathies are extended to Helen Tolle, whose husband was killed in action.

Betty Cook left the Company recently to join the Stork Club and with her go all our congratulations and best wishes.

Claude Burton finally decided he’d be better off to stay in Lebanon so we wish another member fond farewell. He was telling me the other day what a time he had getting through the flood. He said he stood out on the running board one morning and debated whether it would be better to keep on driving or get out and swim the rest of the way. And Paul Williams will have to find some place else to catch up on his sleep ’cause, according to Burton, that’s the way he spent the trip in every morning.

Another boy who gave his life for his country was Minnie Ingram‘s brother, and to her we etend our sympathies.

Out of Season, Too!

We noticed Susy Miller had her green dress on the other day so I guess some more rabbits are headed for the pot. They tell me she just lies out on the grass and catches them as they go by. Now that sounds like a good method but what if they decide to fight back?

Home on furlough recently was Louis Brandenburg‘s son who is stationed at Boca Raton Field, Fla. Papa “Brandy” is rightfully proud of a son who received the highest grade in Radar school of any previous student.

We’re wondering if Vince Gulden is still giving the power house so much trouble on Saturday afternoons.

Eleanor Kemmeter has been spending some time in the hospital lately and all of us here hope to see her back soon fully recovered.

Ellsworth Beatty, I’m ashamed of you! You hard-hearted, untrustorthy personality, you! Can youimagine a more horrible deed than this? For two long, grueling, unswerving years this demon, this breaker of promises, this fiend, has owed poor little defenseless Frankie Gigliotti the unheard of sum of 3 cents. No persecution could be too extensive for such a person!

Prisoner of War

Vera Alexander heard recently that her husband, formerly reported missing, is a German prisoner.

We’d like to know just what’s the story behind Roger Hull‘s starting out for Washington and ending up in Columbus.

Lila Lou Tarvin seems to be making the grade with the sailors around Building No. 26, especially one Gene Crawford.

We got wind of the big stag party held at Jack Kern’s home in plenty of time but it’s proactically impossible to drag any facts out of these men. Participants were Messrs. Charlie Heckerman, Johnny Stutz, Roger Hull, Bob Goebel, Ralph Miller, Vince Gulden, Jack Young, Don Henry, Paul Snyder, Don Replogle,

<>Continued on Page Thirty-nine

John Coombs, Lew Sandor, Larry Kilheffer, apr45_p39
Ralph Bruce, and the host Jack Kern. Now they told me nothing happened but when all those men get together, me thinks there’s sumpin’ brewin’.

Big event in the Klopf family was the birth of 5 1/2-pound Kathleen Ann on March 8. Congratulations, Jim!

We would say Harold Klepinger was unusually lucky on the almost simultaneous furloughs of his two sons. Cleon, of the Merchant Marine, was home one week and the very next week here came the bombardier of the family, Holan, of the Army Air Corps.

Best wishes to Mary Gouge who recently became the bride of Bob Crawford.

Home on Furlough

We received a visit recently from former employee Bruce Cowden and the news of the birth of his third son, Dennis Albert, on March 14. Bruce will be leaving for overseas soon and all our wishes for good lulch go with him.

Margaret Moyer was happy to see her son who was home on leave recently.

Our sympathies are extended to Ella Scheble on the death of her mother-in-law; to Elmer Brown, whose brother died recently, and to Eugene Conover, whose mother passed away.

What’s this I hear about all the stock boys rushing a certain blonde beauty upstairs?

Best of luck to Jim Hayes and Ed DeLaet who are leaving the Company to join the Armed Forces; Jim in the Army Air Force and Ed in the Navy.

Welcome back to Virginia Dillon who was off sick for three months.

We’ve heard Roger Hull has been dating one most alluring little brunette recently.

A recent furlough was received with gladness by Virginia Fox for it enabled her boy friend to be home for a while. And speaking of furloughs, Katie Spitler‘s husband was one of the lucky ones to get to come home.

A good but boisterous time was had by all at the recent slumber party held by five of our inspectors. Hostess Mabel Weidner didn’t mind it so much when we tore up her front room, and it was endurable when Irene Walker got a silly spell and kicked “Yours truly” out of bed, but when Margaret Bruner wandered into the wrong room and crawled into a roomer’s bed, that was the last straw. Swami Dorothy Ludwig told fortunes but, believe me, if any of them come true, we’ll all be sorry we went.

We’ve got a lot of personalities around Building No. 26 and to prove it I’m adding the following little column which I’m sure you’ll appreciate.

Can you imagine–

Building No. 26 without its Sailors and Marines?

Or its WAVES?

Or the halls without Mr. Riley walking up and down?

Libby without Bill pretty close behind?

Punky without her drawl?

Jane Agnor without Eleanor Villars?

Johnny Stutz and Jim Orphal tall?

Lila Lou not dating the tallest boy she can find?

Clarence Keeney in a bathing suit?

A surplus of cigarettes?

Heckerman with suspenders?

Paul Snyder with a smile on his face?

George Hughes not finding everyone’s faults?

Gracie not mooning over Frank?

Jack Young with a haircut?

Jerry Rousch not wolfing?

Bill Coughlin speaking softly?

This column pleasing everyone?



After 20 years of service at the NCR, “Frankie” is well qualified for recognition. He has been here in Building No. 26 since the first doors were opened and a friendlier, harder working person is hard ot find. This sawed-off hunk of humanity always has a smile and a joke for everyone and it usually appears that his sunny disposition is cathcing. Personally, we think he’s a pretty nice person to know.

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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex