NCR News February 1945

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Here we are again, folks! feb45_p29Gee whiz, do you think spring will ever get here? Personally, we’re just about tired of being froze up all the time. I met an icicle on the street the other day all wrapped up in a fur coat, it was that cold! Honestly! Well, anyway, she looked pretty cold and methinks she must be an icicle at heart or she couldn’t treat poor Ed that way. Why don’t you marry the guy, Jo, and get him out of his misery?

Speaking of marrying, we really got a surprise when Ethel Mooney popped in that fine December day proudly bearing the name of Mrs. Otto Yeazel. Best wishes, Ethel, and the best of luck to you from all of us in your new job as housewife. Friends surprised her with a houewarming Sunday afternoon, January 14, at which her fellow workers here presented her with a satin comforter.

Apparently none the worse for wear, the slightly chagrined Eleanor Villars picked herself up out of the snow and ice and trotted on to work. Could it be she was trying to go coasting without a sled or did her feet just suddenly decide to go their separate ways? And did anyone notice the suddenness with which Phyllis Hunt decided to sit down in the middle of the sidewalk the other day? What’s got into these people?

Seen much together lately are Lila Lou Tarvin and one tall, very good-looking sailor. We smell another romance in the brew.

They tell me Jack Kern is taking wolfing lessons from “Brownie” and Roger Hull. He’s in third place now and gaining rapidly, but we innocent little fems don’t know whether we should wish him luck or not.

Home on furlough

We were gladd to see Bruce Cowden, home on furlough, when he appeared the other day to greet all his friends and former fellow workers here in the Navy Building.

Another “ice accident” was Mary Ann Mescher, whose broken ankle was the result of a bad fall.

Also a victim was Bob “Brute” Roberts, who exhibited sundry plaster patches as a result of a too vigorous siege of ice antics. Won’t you people every learn?

Speaking of accidents, we’re glad to see that Bill Grundish has his neck out of harness now after that afore-published tussle with the overcoat.



“Popular” doesn’t half describe the place this sweet and winsome little Texas beauty takes in the hearts of her friends. Dark haired and dark eyed with a most beguiling drawl, “Punky” is as well known and as well liked as it is poosible for one hard working gal to be. Formerly of the WAVES, she worked in Washington before she came to us and has at various times served as a model. She’s our idea of an all around swell person, so we would like to introduce her to you.

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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex