NCR News July-August 1944

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By Mary Maeder

With summer here in full stride, many of our department members are enjoying their vacations. Outstanding among these was Janice Bowers, who was fortunate enough to get to New York to witness her sister’s marriage. We listened enviously to her tales of good times in the “Big Town.” Ruth Christman left the Company and is now taking Air Cadet Nurse’s training at the Good Samaritan Hospital.

A lot of people around Building No. 26 are wondering whether Ralph Hept is married or not. How about it, Ralph? Was there more to that vacation than has been told?


The opening of Old River pool was dutifully celebrated by various members of the department, the most noticeable result being the slightly baked appearance of said members. Even your correspondent was exhibiting one fiery red anatomy as proof that summer has definitely arrived.

Best wishes to Jean Taylor, who was married June 20 at Camp Phillips, Kans. The lucky man is Corp. Don Black, a radio operator of the 63rd Engineers, U. S. Army. The bride wore traditional dress and the pearl necklace and earrings given her by friends in Building No. 26.

Our congratulations also to Clarence Jones, who married WAVE Mildred Weatherby, June 17, at Oakwood U. B. Church.

We wonder why Wilbur Schelllikes to ride the back end of the Belmont bus.

We are very proud of our baseball team since that 4 to 3 victory over Used Registers, though it took an eighth inning rally to bring in the three winning runs. The clown of this pitchers’ battle was, as usual, our catcher, Chief Wm. Fredrick Schmitz. This was quite an improvement over that practice game in which our boys bowed to the Waves in a tight 13 to 12 scuffle. A return engagement was demanded.

Good luck to Bill Ross of the Stockroom, who is now serving in the Army.

Home on Furlough

A happy week end was recently spent by Rita McGuire, when her husband came home from Washington. We pray for the day when he and all husbands are home for good.

Barbara Noble left recently to be an instructress at a young girls’ camp in Cape May, N.J.

What’s this I hear about Ida Barnett‘s recent trip to Chicago? Could be it was to visit Marine Jim, who was formerly stationed in Building No. 26.

July birthdays include those of Mamie Scenters, Kaye Weaver, Paul Williams, and Clarence Jones. Congratulations to Mabel Loesch, who celebrated her 28th wedding anniversary on June 28.


John Mooney

Here’s that picture you’ve been waiting for! Take a good look, gals, ’cause here’s one wolf that’s worth setting a trap for. He’s John Mooney of Electrical Research Inspection, and a solid sender from ‘way back. Tennis and baseball fill in his spare time when he’s not out with one of his girls which, from all I hear, is seldom. An expert swimmer, the six-foot-two blue-eyed bundle of devilment is definitely an all-around outdoor man. Ambitious to become an aeronautical engineer, Johnny plans to take night school this winter, though at present he’s hoping the Navy or Merchant Marine might have a place for him.oping the Navy or Merchant Marine might have a place for him

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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex