NCR News March 1945

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NCR News Mar 1945

Here we are again, folks, but no in very good form, I’m sorry to say. The old “Spring Fever bug” seems to have taken more than its usual toll of victims, as yawns, half-closed eyes, and dreary glances are about all I can get out of the energetic (?) group here in Building No. 26. Really, I never saw so many people so full of so little life. I guess this winter just about did us all in. But enough of this morose dialogue! With extreme difficulty I managed to pry a few meager scraps of news from sundry personalities; so with no apologies, I’ll present them here.

Of course you all noticed that enormous, highly colored lump Jo Heaton was carrying around on her “noggin” not so long ago. Well, in case you were wondering how it happened, here’s the inside story. (Hers, of course!) It seems that one night a certain tall blond got a little bit rough and dropped her on her head. Truly, the days of chivalry are past!

I didn’t bring this up, so don’t blame me, fellows, but some people are wondering just which stock boy answers to the name of “Cuddles.”

Bon Voyage

Our best wishes were extended to Orpah Huebner, who left the Company to enter nurse’s training. Friends here presented her with a quilted robe and slippers to start her out right in her new career.

Calling all men, boys, and wolves! Spring is well on its way and with it inevitably appear green grass, warm sun, longer days, and the king of sports, baseball. We had one swell team last year and we’re counting on you to show up in full force this season and gain do your stuff for the Navy.

We’ve heard all about the trouble people have had this year trying to get enough heat, especially in cars, what with the gas shortage and all. But the best one yet was the way Don Lowden solved his problem. It was reported that said Mr. Lowden was driving an oil burder to work, so, being by nature an inquisitive, I investigated and found this to be quite true–the oil burder being a stove used for heating his car.

Building No. 26 (the barn at least) was pretty well represented at the February NCR Party by the stock boys and their gals, who turned out in force. I noticed that Libby Cotton and her “Bill” seemed to be having an exceptionally good time, but then we’ve been noticing that for some time now. And “Brute” drew a cute little number that night to show off his dancing ability. Of course, Bill Coughlin and Jerry Rousch and their respective femms stuck together throughout the evening, for they’ve become a regular dating foursome these days.

I wonder how many of you noticed Gracie Williams new pet “Frank,” which she had been harboring on her desk. He’s an enormous, obnoxious looking creature of the bug family, which we admit we

(Continued on
Page Thirty-eight

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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex