NCR News May 1944

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Hi ya all! Better get situated comfortable like ’cause here comes the second installment of the passing parade of Building No. 26. Your inquiring reporters have been running around in circles trying to keep track of all the newcomers, but I think we are finally all set to reveal who’s news and why.

First, we’d like to extend our welcome to all the new employees of whom there are far too many to name individually. We veterans are glad to have you and hope you find your stay here both pleasant and profitable.

We extend a special welcome to Margaret Price, who returned after having been with her husband in Massachusetts.

Congratulations to Libby Cotton, of Production, and Kaye Weaver of Inspection, who both received diamonds this month. Libby’s is from Gale E. Hupp, of Seymour Johnson Field, No. C., and Kaye’s is from Pvt. Bob Hayes of points unknown. We wish you both good luck–for the future.

Up in the Air

The soul of ambition is Ruth Crane of the stockroom–if there’s anything you don’t know, just ask her. As if she didn’t have enough on her mind with her work, she spends all free evenings studying the mysteries of the air and how to fly in it. Planning to be a commercial pilot after the war, she is doing ground work now in her spare time. We could use more women with her type of real ambition.

The Inspection Department was recently entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Frederick who showed pictures of their trip through Northern and Western United States. Mr. Frederick traveled extensively and the pictures were taken by him in color. The evening proved to be very educational as well as entertaining.

Congratulations to Don Henry whose wife recently presented him with a baby boy, and to Tom Neal whose baby girl was born April Fool’s Day.

Apparently starting his swimming ahead of time this year, Jack Lentz continues his weekly dunking. He starts out in a motor boat but can’t seem to hold the thing down, the result being a chilly river bath. It’s fine to have a hobby like that, Jack, but we think we would try to stay in the boat.

Lots of luck to Carolyn Fox who is leaving the Company to join her husband. She has served here as a secretary for over a year and we will all miss having her around.

Birthdays this month include one April Fool’s Day baby, our boss of inspection, Charles Heckerman. Others celebrating the natal day in April were June Scott, Helen Marshall, Ethel Mooney, Ed Manary, Tom Neal and John Harshman.

A wish for a speedy recovery from us all, is sent to Ruth Lesher who has been ill.

Orchids this month were received for Easter by two of our inspectors, namely: Lena Thompson from husband, Lew, in Italy, and Jane Agnor from boy friend Jim, in England.

Mazie Locke received word that her son, Bill, arrived safely overseas and is in the Hawaiian area.

Virginia Baum, recently of Building No. 20, left to join her husband, Carol, who is stationed in San Francisco.


Mary Kaye Weaver

Attenion, ladies and gentlemen! This month we are introducing one of the smallest and most energetic personalities of our Inspection Department, Mary Kaye Weaver. But don’t let her size fool you–if ever a bundle of dynamite walked, it’s in her shoes. When she’s not performing her duty as an Inspector here in Electrical Research, she’s either dancing or practicing her singing. U.S. O. dances claim most of her time.

She was offered a contract to sing with an orchestra but gave it up for the sake of a certain Army Private.

Sure, she’s cute, fellows, but taking a second glance won’t do now, the reason being this same Private’s diamond occupying a space on her third finger, left hand. True to her friends, with a quick wit and quicker smile, she’s well worth knowing. So we give you “Kaye”–the rest is up to you!

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  • Sources

    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex