NCR News September 1944

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left top: One of the high spots of the Electrical Research Inspection picnic, was the ball game between Stutz’ Bloomer Girls and Frederick’s “Help Cats.” A good crowd turned out to watch the affair.
[see images]

left bottom: Stutz’ Bloomer Girls had things their own way in the ball game, giving the “Hep Cats” a trouncing they will remember for a long time. [see images]

right top: As usual, the poor umpire was the center (and goat) of a number of arguments. [see images]

right bottom: Rooters on the third and first base lines kept up a lively chatter throughout the game. [see images]

middle bottom: The umpire calls a close one. [see images]


By Mary Maeder and Mickie McNerney


Ring the bells loud and bring on the gay parties! A new champion is among us. Our pride and joy, Elnora Corcoran, has come through again with honors. Said honors being first place in the fast and furious Boogie Bounce contest held July 26 at Triangle Skating Rink. A skater extraordinary, “Corky” shares her glory with “Nobby,” a favorite friend to say the least. Good work, kids, and your friends here wish you a lot more of the same.

John R. Young, 3rd, made his appearance July 19 in the home of Mama and Papa Young and to this proud family go our most sincere congratulations.

Congratulations are also due Ken Elliott, whose Carolyn was born July 8. Thanks to both fathers for cigars and candy and may they have many more of the same.

Recent Bride

Carol Lyons became the bride of Sgt. Eugene L. Robinson at the Holy Angels Church, August 2, and then left to make Liberal, Kans., her home. Friends here presented her with a blanket and their best wishes.

Ruth Crane seems to be especcially partial to green Model “A” convertible coupes lately, or could it be the fatal charm of one young Homer Brown

Congratulations are due to Faith Stewart of Inspection who blushingly admitted that it was Bob Scott who presented her with that gorgeous diamond she’s been toting around recently.

Center of interest at the Electrical Research Inspection picnic held July 13 at Old River, was a soft ball game between “Stinky” Stutz‘s Bloomer Girls and “Froggy” Frederick‘s Hep Cats, a wild affair to say the least. Ye Olde Bloomer Girls mamde an unusually good showing as they unmercifully trimmed our sadly deflated kittens, to the sorrow of many a loyal rooter. (And the joy of many another!) However, a good time was had by all and, excepting varied bumps and bruises, were none the worse for wear. Other occupations of the evening included swimming, canoeing, eating, tennis, and eating. A bit of comedy was furnished by our bosses as they raced to see who could hold the most beans on a knife and don’t tell anybody I told you but I saw “Froggy” Frederick putting butter on his knife. (You can’t even trust your boss anymore.) The winner was our own Bruce “Goo Goo” Cowden who sported the prize, an attractive baby’s bib around his neck the rest of the evening.

Friends of our former employee, Jimmy Goode, will be glad to get his change of military address. You may secure it from your correspondent.

A lucky girl was Betty Kenyon who spent two weeks at the home of her aunt in New Jersey. She enjoyed her visit.

We extend congratulations to Paul Watson on the birth of Dorothy Lee and best wishes to mother and daughter.

Another Bride

Kaye Weaver, of Inspection, became just another June bride as she spoke her voiws to Pvt. Bob Hayes that Saturday in Louisville. Bob is stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky., and she plans to go to him as soon as possible. Important among her wedding gifts was the blanket and in her memories the good wishes from friends here in Building No. 26.

We’re glad to see Ida Barnet back on the job after a recent illness.

Imagine their surprise when Leonard Vest, married 15 years, Bill Arnold, married 9 years, and Tom Neal, who was hooked exactly 4 years ago, got to talking and discovered August 3 was their mutual anniversary. Congratulations fellows, and we sure wish you many more years of wedded bliss.

The girls of Inspection Department recently held a combined shower and slumber party at the home of Joanna Heaton in honor of Rita McGuire, who is leaving the Company to join the Stork Club. The Mrs. received a bassinette and towels, baby’s bottle and dish, baby’s book, and various other articles useful to a young ‘un. By the way, Rita, how did that ice cream taste? That was a cute little container but really, I think I could find better uses for it. And you should have been there when Irene “Shorty” Walker and that impractical joker, Janis Bowers paraded out at bedtime in men’s long underwear! The things that go on now-a-days!

Another Bride

Best wishes to Betty Long who was married July 21 at David’s Reform Church. the lucky man was none other than Ray Mackabee, a former employee of Frame Department. A beauti-

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[beauti]ful set of dishes was Betty’s gift from fellow employees here. The couple plan to make their home in Belmont.

Some of us through we were seeing things the day a sailor, formerly stationed here, came home from overseas and greeted his girl in true Navy fashion. Get the details from Dorothy Ludwig for it looked serious.

As one reporter to another, Mickie, how’s this new romance with the shortest, cutest sailor in Building 26 coming along?

Lots of luck to Mrs. James Brubaker, the former Dotty Woltering, who will, in years to come, celebrate her wedding anniversary on July 29.

All of us felt even more strongly than over the made press of world events as we took Bruce Cowden‘s hand in a farewell clasp that hot day in August. He’s been wish us a long while now and I know that a lump came to more than one throat, though cheery good wishes were the order of the day. And our hearts go out to his wife and two sons, the youngest born to them only this spring, of whom he is so proud. Take care of yourself, Bruce, and–hurry back.

Our deepest sympathies go to the family and friends of our former employee, Sarah Cline, who passed away recently.

Good luck to Katheleen Will who married and bade her friends farewell as she left to join her husband.

What could Virginia Dillon and Clara Mather be doing in the basement of the Keith Theater? As the story goes, they got lost trying to find their way out. Maybe next time they should hire a guide!


Looking around, we find that during the past months quite a few of our friends left the Company. Ellen Larson and Loma Elmore left to resume school. Gertrude Prickettjoined her husband. Violet “Penny” Lewis left and plans to take nurses training. Eva Telford also left the Company.

Two lucky ladies were Joanna Heaton and Grace Williams whose week-end trip to Chicago proved to be more than interesting. Highlighted activities were attending the popular musical “Oklahoma” and witnessing a broadcast of the Breakfast Club.

Electrical Research is quite proud of the three sets of sisters now working here. They are: Mary Low and Loma Elmore; Mildred Thompson and Minnie Ingrim; Loraine Cadot and Mary and Virginia Fox.

The best of luck to Helen Balong as she leaves to go into the service of the WAVES.

August birthdays included those of Jane Agnoo, Ruth Bussard, Tom Conley, Clifford Myers, George Evans, and Roland Usleman. September babies were Betty Kenyon, Jack Young, and Nannie Powell.


In our series of Electrical Research personalities, we are proud to present one Louie Conger, a friendly fellow well worth knowing. A good family man, he tells often of his nine-year-old daughter whose extraordinary musical talent is her father’s pride and joy. She has danced, sung, and played her way into the hearts of many a radio audience, a mighty good record for one young ‘un. With his 32 years of faithful service to the NCR, Louie is, without a doubt, eligible to our list of good workers and his agreeable, jolly nature has won him many friends here. Formerly of the U.S. Marines, he could give you first-hand information of World War I, but Louie isn’t given to talking much about himself so we’ll leave it up to you to get acquainted and, in so doing, acquire a new friend.

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    This site has material from many sources. Some are use by permission. Before using, ASK. More specific information here.
  • Inside You’ll Find…

    WHO worked during the war? Find the Personnel section. Also, Joseph R. Desch
    WHAT were their goals? By the Numbers. Also, The US Bombe
    WHY? History of the Bombe Project A contemporary account of the reasons and the plans for their project for the Director of Naval Communications, 1944.
    WHERE was the project: In Dayton, it was in Building 26. In Washington, it was housed at the Naval Communications Annex